Thursday, March 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Honey, I can't believe you are 31 on the 31st!  You OLD man! hahaha!  Don't worry, I'm not that far behind you! You are the best Daddy and husband that anyone could wish for!  You make us proud and give us a great life!  The best gift that you have given me (besides Crew obviously!) is the opportunity to be a stay-at-home Momma and I will never be able to thank you enough!  I know that it means a lot to both of us and I know Crewsie Bear really appreciates it :)  We have been together for over 13 years and sometimes it's hard to believe.  I love all of the memories that we have created so far and can't wait to continue to build more memories with our children!  Love ya babe and I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
 Crewsie and Daddy at the zoo!
On vacation in February!
 Daddy helping organize the nursery before Crewsie arrived!
 Crewsie 11 days old!
 One of the only recent pics I could find of just the two of us!
 Crew's first Halloween!
Crew's first Christmas!
 Hilton Head!
 Visiting Lake Erie!
 And one of my all time favorites!
This boy LOVES you babe!

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