Wednesday, March 23, 2011

St. Patty's Day...

We had a great St. Patty's Day last week...we celebrated with a little dinner at Rockne's!  Crewsie was getting into the spirit of things by wearing his little hat and shamrock necklaces!
We have been having some nice weather on and off the last couple of weeks.  The other day we were able to get out and enjoy it!  Crew absolutely loves being outside and I love that he can run off some of his energy!
Waving "Hi, Momma!"
Cowboy Crew is gearing up for his 2nd birthday party next weekend!  This Sunday on his actual birthday we are celebrating at Yaya and Popa's.  Yaya offered to have dinner and a little cake on his real birthday!
And another pic of  "Gee, I wonder who got the camera!?"  I have to admit that I love the pic of his chubby little foot...notice I'm the once sitting in the office chair, so I guess this time it's my fault ;)

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