Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2011 Bonita Springs, FL Vacation!!!

We are back from Florida and already miss the warm weather, palm trees, and the beach!  The weather was beautiful...blue skies, sunny and between 80-85 degrees everyday!  We took off from Akron/Canton airport early last Sunday morning and were on the beach by noon!  Crewsie was a TROOPER...the best little traveler ever!  It was his first plane ride and he loved it and did wonderful (I was a little worried though because of the stories you hear!).  We were able to book him as a "lap child" because he was under two, but we lucked out and had an empty seat next to us so we could spread out.  We landed about 10:00 a.m. (our flight took off at 7:40 a.m.) and were at our condo by eleven!

Crew was soooo incredibly good the entire vacation.  He is a total beach bum...he woke up every morning saying "swim, swim, swim."  He really only took two afternoon naps while we were there, so he was usually in bed early at 7:30 p.m. and then woke up about 7:30 a.m.  I think we were at the beach no later then 9:00 a.m. every morning...and usually had the beach to ourselves...haha!  We would stay at the beach until about noon, go get some lunch, swim at the pool for a couple of hours and then we would go back down to the beach for a couple of hours, and then back to the condo to get ready for dinner!  This was our routine pretty much everyday.  The ocean was a little on the cool side, but still able to get in and splash around.  All Crew wanted to do was chase sea gulls, spalsh around in the water, play in the sand, collect sea shells and have Greggy and I push him in the stroller down the beach (which was his favorite!).  I don't think Greg and I sat still for more then 2 minutes the entire vacation, but we wouldn't have it any other way!

Crewsie had a lot of "firsts" on this vacation...first airplane ride, first taxi ride, first trolley ride, and first trip to Florida!  My grandparents used to go down to Bonita Springs and stay for a month so that is how we got to know the place.  Greg and I have been there twice before, but had not been there for about 10 years!  It has really grown the last decade, but the beaches were as pretty as we remembered!  It was a great getaway this time of year and now that we are back I know that Spring is right around the corner (and Crewsie's 2ND BIRTHDAY)!
There was a place called "Doc's Beach House" that was right across the street on the beach, so we ate there for dinner our first night (we literally walked off the beach and into the restaurant!).  As you can see Crew fell asleep during dinner...it was a long day for him without a nap!
Our first full day on the beach...as you can see we were one of the first ones there in the morning!
One of the pools was right at our building, so it was very convenient!
Below is a restaurant we ate at twice called "Cocount Jacks!"  It was less then a five minute walk from our hotel....again, very convenient!
Notice where Crew's finger is at!  He is a goofball!
These are the five buildings that make up the Bonita Beach and Tennis Club...we were in building #1 closest to the beach!
There was a little restaurant in our building that was open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner...again, very convenient for us!  They had great omlets and Crewsie loved the pancakes!
Cuddling with Momma on the beach after breakfast...
We took a little nap on the beach (my left ear got burnt this day...haha!).
Crewsie had fun playing with Harper in the pool...he had two girlfriends this vacation...the other one was an older woman named Lily...she was nine...and he was in love!  She was the sweetest little girl.

All he wanted to do was swim by himself and jump off the steps!
My little "shark!"
This night we decided to take the trolley down to the other end of town.  Well it was drizzling when we got on, but when it was time to get off it was a down pour.  The trolley driver was nice enough to drive us back and drop us off in front of "Coconut Jacks!"  The look on my face is because Crewsie had just had an accident in his pull-ups and of course on the trolley where I couldn't change him...yuck!  Luckily it only rained for about half an hour and cleared off and we had a beautiful night (it was the only rain we got).
Beautiful view at the restaurant...
We would get down to the beach and Crew would get back in the stroller and say "walk Momma Dada, walk Momma Dada!"  he loved being pushed up and down the beach by us...we took A LOT of great walks on the beach!
Our little beach bum!
I couldn't decide if I liked this one better in color or black and white...
the view from our floor...
He looks so tough in the below pic...like a little body builder!
Passsssed out!
One evening before dinner...
One of Crewsie on the plane ride home!  He loved the airplane and even fell asleep for about an hour on the way home :)
Ohhhhhhh how we miss the beach!

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