Friday, March 11, 2011

It's been a crazy few weeks...

As most of you know little man climbed out of his crib about 3 1/2 weeks ago...and that is when all the craziness began!!!  It was a hectic/crazy/tiresome few days, but he was doing better and all was good.  Then Grandma ended up in the hospital unexpectedly for almost three weeks.  So horrible and I think Crewsie could feel the stress.  Then we left for vacation...don't get me wrong, I am not complaining AT ALL, but it got Crew off schedule again...but trust me, vacation was WONDERFUL! Then we get home and Crewsie now has a virus....ughhhhh.  My poor little man started a fever a couple of days ago...his fever is gone, but now he has a horrible little cough and a runny nose.  He has never had a fever except for when a couple of his teeth came through and I think twice when he got an immunization.  He had a cold back in Sept. or Oct., but nothing like this one!  It makes me realize how lucky we are that he has only had two little colds since he was born!  I feel so helpless and it is so sad to watch him suffer :(

After all the recent craziness we are soooooooo ready to celebrate Crewsie's 2nd birthday and soooooooo ready for Spring :)  By the way Crewsie's birthday will be Sunday, April 3rd and I finally know what the theme will be....WESTERN!  He loves playing cowboy and riding his horsey and wearing his cowboy hat, so I think it is very appropriate!

This is the plate that Crew painted a few weeks ago!
Since his cold Crew has been VERY whiny (which is not like him).  So yesterday I tried to keep him busy with a few little projects.  It kept his mind off of the cold and he had fun!
He painted a couple of ceramic eggs for Easter (I know it's a little early)!
He was deep in concentration...
Whiny boy :(
All done!  Pretty little eggs!
After the "egg" project we cleaned our sea shells that we collected from the beach.  I torture Greg every time we go to any beach by picking up a few (hundred) shells and then bring them home (they usually sit in a bag for a year before I finally just throw them away...haha!).  This time I actually did what I always wanted to do! 
Crewsie helped wash all of the sand off.
Our pretty shells!
Some of our favorites!  I can't even begin to try and spell how Crew says sea's too funny!
Now I want to collect a few shells every time we visit a different beach (and I cross my heart that I will clean them and put them in the jar)!

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