Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chef Crew...

Chef Crew was at it again preparing a little lunch for me and Aunt Tay.  Honestly, he leaves the hat on for about one minute and then it's off!  At least he left it on long enough that I got a couple cute pics.  He loves pretending to pour you a cup of coffee or tea and he always wants you to sit at his table with him.  It is hard to believe that this little munchkin is going to be 2 in 12 days!  I know people always say it, but it really does go by in the blink of an eye.

And by the way, Crew is finally over his virus!  YAY!  He started getting sick early Monday morning (3:00 a.m. he woke with a fever) and he started really feeling better yesterday.  He still has a cough, but other then that he is pretty much acting back to normal!  But it was one heck of a cold!
You know he is getting tired when he starts snuggling up to his blanket =)
He does this same little lip/cuddle thing that my sister used to do with her bunny!  He puts the blanket right up to his mouth and then barely opens his mouth and just kind of rubs it on his lips...it is so cute!
Our family room looks just lovely right now...just kidding...ha!  We are trying to decide on a new color and Momma got a little crazy and this is what happened.  I guess that is one way to get your husband to paint!
And this is a another little game we like to call "Gee, I wonder who got the camera!?!?"  I think it's funny how Crew managed to get a picture of Mickey!
Looks more like Daddy is telling him how to hold the camera instead of telling him "No!" and getting it away from him!?!?!?!  Daddy is definitely not the disciplinarian in this house...he tells me it's a youngest child thing and since I'm the oldest child I am more likely the be the disciplinarian...thanks honey!  haha!
And it looks like Daddy is finally getting up to take the camera away...or maybe giving Crew some more pointers???

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