Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pancakes, wineries, and tractors...it was a FUN weekend!

Sunday morning was Crew's official 2nd birthday, so I made his favorite...pancakes and sausage!  Friday morning Crewsie and I headed to Romp n' Stomp...I think he would love it if we went there everyday!  Friday night we went to Main Street with my parents...just the four of us (we had not gone out with my parents just the four of us in ages!).  Aunt Taytay babysat and Crewsie loved it!  Thanks Aunt Tatie!  Saturday Daddy worked on the boat (yes, we bought a boat!...pics to come once it's done!...we bought a smaller 17' boat that we can trailer to different lakes to sail!).  And then Saturday night we met Popa, Yaya, Aunt Tay and Uncle Joe out at Silvercreek Winery for a little vino!  Then Sunday we celebrated Crewsie's big day!

Helping Momma make the pancakes!
 Happy birthday big boy!
  Popa and Yaya got Crewsie his first John Deere tractor!  He LOVED it!
 Loved his new John Deere shirt and hat too!  His new tractor is awesome...it even has it's own FM radio!
 He totally got the hang of pushing down the gas, but we are still working on the steering!
 Elmo cake!
 Opening up some gifts from Aunt Tay and Uncle Joe!
 Aunt Tay got Crew an AWESOME Peter Pan pop-up book!
 At the winery!

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