Thursday, March 24, 2011

Birthday Celebrations...

We started off this morning headed to McDonald's for Crewsie's little birthday party with our Mommy's group!  They have a great play area and Crew was able to run off some energy while playing with his little friends!  Crew and one other friend, Tyler, celebrated their 2nd and 3rd birthdays!  We had cake and then some stayed to eat lunch...we had to run because Crewsie was getting his hair cut!

Eating some cake with Annabelle!
 Some of the other was hard to get them to stop playing to eat the cake!
 Crew's "before" pic of his hair this morning before we left!
 "After" shot!  He looks so handsome!
Daddy and Uncle Blake were making fun of me because I wouldn't take him to get his hair cut...I finally caved because he was really starting to look like a little ragamuffin! I have to admit that he looks so much cuter! We went to the little old fashioned barber shop in town. The same girl that used to cut Daddy's hair when he was in highschool cut Crew's hair. She was awesome and did a great job! If anyone is looking for a place to take boys to get their hair cut I highly recommend her! Prices are great and she was fast...which is great for a little one! Crew did sooooooo much better this time then the last...he didn't whine or fuss at all...just sat there and sucked on his sucker!

 Chewin' on his dragon...
 Trying to get a shot of the back of his little head!
The other day we bought a little Easter tree and Easter eggs.  I love doing little crafts with Crewsie and he seems to enjoy it too! 
Cost of tree   $1.00
Cost of eggs  $0.77
= a lot of fun
(cheap entertainment and educational because we were learning colors!)
 Carefully placing the little eggs on his tree!
 All done and sitting on our mantle next to his Easter Bunny!

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