Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Crewsie eating lunch (02-17-11)

A little video of Crewsie the day after he climbed out of his crib for the first time!  He has spent 5 nights in his crib and it has gone okay.  The first night was a little crazy, the second and third nights were great, but now the last two nights he has woken up calling for me.  Hopefully, we can break him of this habit!  We removed the headboard from the bed we put in his room because we thought that was more safe, but now I think he needs some type of padded/cushioned headboard.  I have noticed he hits his little head on the wall sometimes when he is moving around.  Maybe I will try to make one when we get back?!?  Since we put the bed in the room we had to remove a lot of the decorations and wall hanging because he could reach them when he stood on his bed.  Now I need to work on re-vamping his room a little with some new "Big Boy" decorations!

Crewsie will turn 23 months old when we are on vacation and honestly, I need to get my butt in gear and kind of start thinking about his 2nd birthday party!  I'm thinking the theme has to be something along the lines of trucks/cars/planes or something with animals...these are the two things he is most "in to" these days!  Every time he sees a plane in the sky he points and yells "Airplane, Airplane!!!"  His other love is giraffes and elephants!

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