Monday, April 5, 2010

Time to weigh-in....

Crew had his big ONE YEAR check-up this morning!  He weighed-in at a whopping 26 lbs. 10 ozs. (90-95th %) and 31 inches long (90th %) and head circumference 49cm (97th %)...we knew he had a big head, but that just means he has a big brain...ha!  He has not dropped out of somewhere in the 90th percentile since his first check-up...I guess he is just one big kid!

Mommy and Daddy were so proud to tell Dr. Reynolds of all of Crew's accomplishments in the last few months...talking, walking, eating well!  Dr. Reynolds gave us the "green light" on several items...trying to give him a little peanut butter (Momma and Dada LOVE peanut butter) but we have to give him a little at a time and watch for any allergic signs...we also got the go-ahead for turning his car seat around.  I know a lot of people try to wait as long as possible, but Crew is soooo long that his poor feet and legs are all "bunched-up" against the seat and Dr. Reynolds said that can be even more dangerous.  Crew had a great check-up and all is very well!

Some of the pics below are from over the weekend...we had GORGEOUS weather again!  Saturday we went to the Hinckley Resevoir and drove around Whipps Ledges!  We walked around and then stopped at the little sandy area to let Crew play.  Last year he was only 11 weeks old when we went to Hilton Head, but even then he loved the beach and pool!  As you can see he LOVED playing in the sand...only a couple more months until we head back down to Hilton Head....we are sooooo excited!  Crew is also getting his bottom first year molars!  He has been pretty good considering these BIG teeth coming in...he is just a little clingy to Mommy when they are really hurting him :)  Some of his new favorite foods are my homemade egg salad and penne pasta!
I weigh how much!?  Are you sure that's right!?
At the Hinckley Resevoir
Oh, I love this monkey!
Loved feeling this big old tree!
Tried to eat some of the sand...yuck!
He wants to play patty cake all of the time!
Mommy trying to get a decent shot of his new toofers!
Just poking through!

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