Friday, April 16, 2010

A "Tank" in a tank top...

Here is the "Tankapotomus" (as my Dad aka: "Popa" likes to call Crew) in a wife beater...okay, I know this term is sooooo not politically correct...I guess it is technically called an A-line tank!?!?  Haha!  My Dad could not wait to see Crew sporting one of these this summer so I picked some up yesterday at Target!  I tried them on him last night before bath time and he would not stand or sit still long enough for me to get a decent these were the best I could do!  Greg and I always joke that Crewsie gets a "second wind" right before bed and runs around (literally trying to run now!) and gets the last bit of energy out before hitting the hay!

Playing with Tiki!
Let me out!
Before nap time this morning!

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