Saturday, April 3, 2010

Crazy, Busy, Fun week...

Wow, we have had a very fun week.  Between Crew's birthday last Saturday, Daddy's Birthday Wednesday and all this beautiful weather we have been having we have stayed very busy!  Crewsie loves playing with all of his awesome new toys that he got for his bday!  Wednesday we went to Cheeseburger in Paradise to celebrate Daddy's 30th birthday and yesterday we went up to the lake and visited the marina!  We have been having beautiful, sunny, 80 degree weather and wanted to take advantage of it!

Crewsie playing with his new sand toys and watering can!
Loves his "bouncy" toy from Uncle Blake and Auntie Casey
Such a monkey!
Mommy took one pic at Cheeseburger in Paradise!
On his new potty!  Okay, I know everyone has their own opinion on potty training kids...Our philosophy is the earlier the better!  Don't get me wrong, we don't expect him to be toilet trained in the next month (especially because he can't verbalize "potty" yet)!  We just want him to get use to sitting on it and understand to not be afraid to use it!  After all, we expect little puppies to be house broken when they are a few months old...and I know he is smarter than that!
As you can see, he liked it!
I'm trying to go Momma...

I've almost got it!
Faster Momma....
It got too warm out so we had to switch to short sleeves!
We are trying to get him use to wearing a hat to protect his precious face and eyes!
I love the swings...
and the slides!

After playing at the park, back to the coupe...

I'm a silly boy!
Another walk in the stroller...passed out!
Precious little man
At the marina
Trying to get fitted for a life jacket for sailing season!
They look so uncomfortable :(
At the park up by the lake...
Looks really overcast, but it was really nice!

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