Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mommy turns 29 today and Crew is almost 13 months!

Mommy can't wait to celebrate her birthday today with her most favorite person in the whole wide world - Crewsie!  Even though I turn 29 today I  really don't feel any different then I did when I turned 18...haha!  I don't dread my birthdays like a lot of people do...I cherish them, especially when I get to celebrate them with Greg, Crew and my family!  My parents are having us over for dinner tonight to celebrate with my Mom and Dad, Uncle Joe and Auntie Tay, Uncle Blake and Auntie Casey, Gram and Popsie and Grammy Fisher!

Below are a few pics from last year around my birthday when Crew was only about a month old!  He was the best birthday gift EVER!
My little burrito!
Camera phone shot from yesterday before shopping and dinner with Crewsie and Greg!

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