Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hungry Hippo...

Crew is for sure turning into a toddler!  He is very good at feeding himself bites of food like grilled cheese, cheerios, pieces of cheese, and other little finger foods that Mommy breaks up for him...but now he wants to feed himself the more "messy" stuff, like yougurt!  Crew started out letting me give him a few bites of yougurt this morning and then he threw a bit of a fit!  He wanted the spoon SO bad!  I finally gave in (because I know he needs to learn this eventually!) and let him have at it!  Crew was a complete MESS by the time it was all over!

Pretty good, but Momma needs to get him a spoon with a smaller handle!
Leave me alone, I know I can do this!
See Momma, I can feed myself!

A little video of Crew attempting to feed himself!

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