Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter 2.0...

Crew continuing to open more East baskets...haha!  The first few pics below are from Easter morning at our house and then with Grandma and Grandpa Eddy and then Auntie Casey made a basket for total, he opened four Easter baskets (we have enough "Peeps" to get us through the next 5 years)!

LOVES his new shovel and broom we got him...although, they are as tall as him!
I think his favorite toys were the $1 plastic eggs!
Easter baseket from Grandma and Grandpa Eddy!
Loves his old fashioned slinky from Auntie Casey!
Bunny ears!
Just thought these were too cute not to post...Mazi was like Mommy's little baby before Crew :)
Sooooo cute!

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