Monday, April 19, 2010

Crew vs. The Cream Puff...

Crew vs. the Cream Puff was the ultimate battle...but in the end Crew Gregory won!  haha!  Popa got him this GIGANTIC pastry over the weekend and Crew dug right in...he did better eating this then his first birthday cake!  We had a fairly busy weekend...I felt like we were on the go a lot!  Saturday we did a little furniture and carpet shopping...Saturday night we visisted with Uncle Dave, who was in town from Charlotte and had dinner for Grandpa Eddy's birthday.  Sunday it was back out shopping again!  We didn't get outside much because it was pretty cool, but this week looks great!

Oh man!!!
I think he liked it!!!
I'm ready to go shopping Ma!
He is doing so well getting around in his new shoes!
Crew's latest trick...everytime Mommy gets in the fridge Crew comes running over!
I think I want a snack pack!

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