Thursday, April 1, 2010

Early Easter...

We celebrated Easter last Sunday with my family (since my Momma and Auntie Tay are leaving for Punta Cana...Greg and I are so jealous!).  We walked in and they had this tent and tunnel set up for Crewsie and he LOVED it!  He got right in and went up and down and up and was so cute!  After some play time Crew opened up his Easter basket and then we dyed some eggs and then had some dinner...Crew even ate some ham and potatoes!

and up again!
He actually opened his gift!
Watering can to help Momma with her flowers!
Reading with Auntie Casey
Dying some Easter eggs!
I'm so cute :)
Pretty eggs (Blake, I told you I would post the pic on the blog...haha!)

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