Monday, April 26, 2010

Loving the outdoors...

Any day that we get decent weather we are outside playing as much as possible!  Now that Crew is walking (and now literally starting to run...which is scary!) I think he likes the outdoors because there is sooooo much more room to run around like a crazy man!  As you can see by the some of the pics below, he also loves his swing...we hung it up out back on one of our trees and he is in heaven...he sits back and totally is so funny to must be very soothing!

Since the doctor okay'd peanut butter some of Crewsie's new foods are peanut butter wheat toast for breakfast, and grilled p.b. & j's for lunch and sharp cheddar cheese...I knew he was a little cheese-ball...ha!  I would say he is 90% (or more) off of baby food...I only try to supplement fruit/veggie baby food when we are out to eat or I feel that he needs some more fruit/veggies for the day! 
Crew doing some push-ups! 
My beautiful, blue-eyed, baby boy!
Hi Mommy!
Auntie Tay and Crewsie
Great-Grammy Fisher
Uncle Blake and Auntie Casey
Mommy can't get enough kisses...I know one day (but hopefully not for a LONG time) I won't be able to get these so easily!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mommy turns 29 today and Crew is almost 13 months!

Mommy can't wait to celebrate her birthday today with her most favorite person in the whole wide world - Crewsie!  Even though I turn 29 today I  really don't feel any different then I did when I turned 18...haha!  I don't dread my birthdays like a lot of people do...I cherish them, especially when I get to celebrate them with Greg, Crew and my family!  My parents are having us over for dinner tonight to celebrate with my Mom and Dad, Uncle Joe and Auntie Tay, Uncle Blake and Auntie Casey, Gram and Popsie and Grammy Fisher!

Below are a few pics from last year around my birthday when Crew was only about a month old!  He was the best birthday gift EVER!
My little burrito!
Camera phone shot from yesterday before shopping and dinner with Crewsie and Greg!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Before dinner...

Crew absolutely LOVES playing outside!  He will stand at the front or back door and "smack" the door, meaning he wants to go out!  Luckily, these past few days have been nice and we have been able to enjoy the weather!  I took a couple pics last night before we met Yaya for a bite to eat (Daddy was at school, so Yaya is good at keeping Mommy and Crewsie company...thanks Mom!)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Crew vs. The Cream Puff...

Crew vs. the Cream Puff was the ultimate battle...but in the end Crew Gregory won!  haha!  Popa got him this GIGANTIC pastry over the weekend and Crew dug right in...he did better eating this then his first birthday cake!  We had a fairly busy weekend...I felt like we were on the go a lot!  Saturday we did a little furniture and carpet shopping...Saturday night we visisted with Uncle Dave, who was in town from Charlotte and had dinner for Grandpa Eddy's birthday.  Sunday it was back out shopping again!  We didn't get outside much because it was pretty cool, but this week looks great!

Oh man!!!
I think he liked it!!!
I'm ready to go shopping Ma!
He is doing so well getting around in his new shoes!
Crew's latest trick...everytime Mommy gets in the fridge Crew comes running over!
I think I want a snack pack!

Friday, April 16, 2010

A "Tank" in a tank top...

Here is the "Tankapotomus" (as my Dad aka: "Popa" likes to call Crew) in a wife beater...okay, I know this term is sooooo not politically correct...I guess it is technically called an A-line tank!?!?  Haha!  My Dad could not wait to see Crew sporting one of these this summer so I picked some up yesterday at Target!  I tried them on him last night before bath time and he would not stand or sit still long enough for me to get a decent these were the best I could do!  Greg and I always joke that Crewsie gets a "second wind" right before bed and runs around (literally trying to run now!) and gets the last bit of energy out before hitting the hay!

Playing with Tiki!
Let me out!
Before nap time this morning!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hungry Hippo...

Crew is for sure turning into a toddler!  He is very good at feeding himself bites of food like grilled cheese, cheerios, pieces of cheese, and other little finger foods that Mommy breaks up for him...but now he wants to feed himself the more "messy" stuff, like yougurt!  Crew started out letting me give him a few bites of yougurt this morning and then he threw a bit of a fit!  He wanted the spoon SO bad!  I finally gave in (because I know he needs to learn this eventually!) and let him have at it!  Crew was a complete MESS by the time it was all over!

Pretty good, but Momma needs to get him a spoon with a smaller handle!
Leave me alone, I know I can do this!
See Momma, I can feed myself!

A little video of Crew attempting to feed himself!