Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dental check-up...

Crewsie had not been to the dentist since Sept. 2010 and Mommy was feeling guilty, so we scheduled a visit to a Pediatric Dentist.  He had been to my dentist and did great, but I thought going to someone who specializes in children would be best now that he was a little older.  His appointment was this last Monday and I was a little nervous as to how he would do...I was worried he wouldn't sit still and open his mouth!  Well, he did WONDERFUL!!!  The dentist was very impressed and said his teeth looked cavaties, perfect spacing and we are doing a great job with flossing and brushing!  He goes back in about 6 months for his next visit and an official cleaning!
The dentist's office was decorated so colorful and very inviting for kids!
Yaya and Popa took Crewsie to breakfast Saturday morning and there happened to be a Santa there!
Crew LOVES playing with play-doh!


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cookies, cookies and more cookies...yum!

Another fun Christmas tradition...baking cookies every year! Last Saturday Yaya, Auntie Tay, Auntie Case and I all met at Yaya and Popa's house to make sugar cookies! Popa and Uncle Blake were there, but mainly to be the cookie "testers!" Zoey made an appearance too, but she didn't get to try the cookies :( Anyway, these sugar cookies are the best EVER and we always have fun making them...all 225 of them!!! That's about 19 dozen...CRAZY!!! This doesn't include all of the other kinds of cookies my sister and mom have made!!!
This recipe is uses confectioners sugar (instead of regular sugar) and cream cheese...YUM! And of course Yaya's homemade icing, which is the best!

Aunt Taytay...25 weeks preggo here!

Look how big Zoey got...she's so cute!
And a camera pic of Crewsie with his gingerbread house he made with Grandma!
Crewsie relaxing on Mommy's bed the morning after the Polar Express...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I took these first two pics a couple of weeks ago and forgot to post them...they were too cute not to share!  I just LOVE, LOVE this little man!  I could just squeeze him!  Anyway, I've been reading on A LOT of blogs lately about other family's Christmas traditions, so I thought I would share some of ours!
First, our ELVES have arrived!  They flew in a couple of weeks ago and we have been having a ton of fun with them!  Like I explained last year,  my family was waaaaay ahead of the current elf trend thanks to my Gram and Popsie Cooper who started the tradition when their kids were little!  We have four Elves because Mommy has a habit of collecting them and don't you know they all have their own name too!  I tried to think of something new to add to the elf mix this year, so I decided to make an elf mailbox (don't worry, I'm aware that I'm a little nutty).  Anyway, since the elves leave notes from time to time I thought it was a good idea and I knew Crewsie would like it.  I bought a plain wooden one from the craft store and spiced it up!
He's not supposed to be touching them (we're working on that) and because he can't keep his fingers off of them we had a near-elf-death experience...yikes!  For those new to the Elf thing there are 2 good books...Elf on the Shelf and Christopher Pop-a-Kins!  Crew likes the Christopher Pop-a-Kins book best.

Greg wants me to try and sell them on Etsy....hahaha!  Maybe next year.

One of our other family traditions is setting up the nativity scene.  In my family, each year the three of us would take turns setting it up (and each year it turned into a fight as to whos turn it was!).  Crew has no one to fight with yet, so he set it up this year (with help from Momma).  He likes making sure that baby Jesus is close to his Mommy.
Another tradition I LOVE is collecting wooden Santas.  This is a newer tradition that I started about 6 Christmases ago.  My mom usually buys me one each year or I buy myself one.  I always put them on my mantle surrounded my lighted garland.  Currently, I have 7!

A new ornament from Yaya this year...Crewsie LOVES his trains!

Our first ornament together!
The year we bought our (second) house!
Have to have a Mickey!
Our first year we were a family of three!
Crew's first Christmas!

My dear friend Deb got me this ornament Christmas 2008 when I was preggers!

Crew loves popcorn, so naturally he loves this ornament!
His Polar Express bell from this year!
One of my aunts when I was younger gave us a Santa Claus face each year and we would glue a cotton ball on him each day in December.  I've always liked the idea of Advent calendars and this year we got one.  Thanks Yaya...he loves his new choo choo!  Each morning an Elf leaves a hershey kiss in one of the little doors.
Crewsie and I have made several ornament crafts this season...this was a pack of little suncatchers that we painted.
Another little tradition we started was hiding a pickle on the Christmas tree.  This is a German tradition and I believe we have German on almost all sides of our family!  Although, Crew has a tendancy to throw the pickle in the tree and then I'm breaking my neck trying to find it!  haha!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

All aboard The Polar Express!!!

I am SOOOOO behind on blog posts it's not even funny.  I have at least 6 in my queue, but still need to "narrate" them!  I will try to get one posted every day this let's get to it!  Last Thursday we headed for the North Pole via THE POLAR EXPRESS!!!  Crew had a lot of fun last year, but this year he really "got it!"  The week before Crewsie and I went shopping for his special p.j.'s for the ride...and he picked the Santa ones!  He looked so darn cute.  All of us had a great time, but best of all is seeing how much fun Crewsie had :)
Above:  An Elf!, Yaya, Crewsie, Popa and Momma.  Below:  Momma, Grammy, Daddy and Crewsie.

In the train car there were 3 or 4 elfs and a couple of conductors.  On our way to the North Pole they served us hot chocolate and cookies and then the kids played a couple of games and sang Christmas carols...and they read The Polar Express!
The train car was sooooo much more comfortable then last year.  We upgraded to first class tickets this year and it was worth every penny.  Waaaaay less people on the train car and much more comfortable seats and seating area.  I highly recommend it!
There are lots of guys dressed as conductors and Crew was very concerned about getting his ticket punched!  He kept saying "Conductor, punch my ticket!"
He finally gets it punched and this is the look I get!?!?  haha!

We're almost to the North Pole!

Excuse some of the blurry, foggy pics...I'm trying to get a couple decent ones behind glass and it's dark and foggy in the train car!

The Northern lights!

Santa arrives on his own train!
Santa's train comes back through, but he is gone....wonder where he went?!?

The copious amounts of sugar have kicked in and he is losing all control!!!

There's Santa...he got on the train!!! Yay!  Crew first told him he wanted toys...a little general, so he said a train!

Crewsie even got his Polar Express book signed by Santa...he signed it "Mr. C"...just like in the book!
Crewsie's bell!