Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dental check-up...

Crewsie had not been to the dentist since Sept. 2010 and Mommy was feeling guilty, so we scheduled a visit to a Pediatric Dentist.  He had been to my dentist and did great, but I thought going to someone who specializes in children would be best now that he was a little older.  His appointment was this last Monday and I was a little nervous as to how he would do...I was worried he wouldn't sit still and open his mouth!  Well, he did WONDERFUL!!!  The dentist was very impressed and said his teeth looked cavaties, perfect spacing and we are doing a great job with flossing and brushing!  He goes back in about 6 months for his next visit and an official cleaning!
The dentist's office was decorated so colorful and very inviting for kids!
Yaya and Popa took Crewsie to breakfast Saturday morning and there happened to be a Santa there!
Crew LOVES playing with play-doh!


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