Saturday, December 3, 2011

Breakfast with Santa...

Saturday morning we met Santa for breakfast!  Popa, Yaya, Momma, and Crewsie all went to Applebee's and got to see Santa and eat yummy eggs, sausage and pancakes!  Crew had lots of fun and he was not afraid of Santa...YAY...because last year he was a little more timid and wouldn't sit on his lap.  He got lots of goodies and really enjoyed was a great morning :)

Telling Santa that he wanted a train for Christmas!
He got his own Santa hat!

Helping Momma and Daddy decorate...(we decorated the week of Thanksgiving!)

Excuse the picture frames...they are new and I haven't put our family pics in them yet!

I sent this pic to Greggy one morning...I said "Smile for Daddy!" and this is what he did...
Below Daddy took Crewsie to see a movie friday night...Crewsie has now seen 3 movies and has done great at the theatre.  He saw Winne the Pooh back at the end of summer with Yaya, Popa and Aunt Tatie...Happy Feet 2 with Momma and Grandma a couple weeks ago...and now Arthur's Christmas with Daddy :)
Showing me his muscles...

I love that little elf!
He loves trying to get under the tree!

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