Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Last Thursday we took a ride on The Polar Express with the Grammys and had a WONDERFUL time!  It was so much fun and Crewsie really seemed to enjoy it.  The train ride was from 7:00-9:00 p.m....we started off in Akron and rode to the North Pole (aka: Peninsula) to visit Santa, Mrs. Claus, Elves, Gingerbread Men, Snowmen and to see Santa's Workshop!  They had it decorated so awesome (didn't get pics because we were too busy watching everything that was happening outside!).  During the ride we sang Christmas Carols, visited with Santa and the Elves read us the The Polar Express book and served us hot cocoa and cookies.  It was such a unique experience for all of us!
Crew LOVES trains and was saying "CHOO, CHOO!"
Getting ready to ride to the North Pole!
Some of the "Elves" on our car!
Crewsie trying to do the "Santa Pokey" (aka: Hokey Pokey)
I have some videos I will post that I took during the train ride...like of Santa arriving (and Crew slightly freaking out) and Crew in the Pajama Parade (not participating, but getting in the way of the other kids...haha)!
If you have read The Polar Express you know the meaning of the bell...each kiddie received one from Santa that night!

I talked a little about the Elves at our house and here is a pic...still need to come up with some funny names!

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