Tuesday, December 13, 2011

All aboard The Polar Express!!!

I am SOOOOO behind on blog posts it's not even funny.  I have at least 6 in my queue, but still need to "narrate" them!  I will try to get one posted every day this week...so let's get to it!  Last Thursday we headed for the North Pole via THE POLAR EXPRESS!!!  Crew had a lot of fun last year, but this year he really "got it!"  The week before Crewsie and I went shopping for his special p.j.'s for the ride...and he picked the Santa ones!  He looked so darn cute.  All of us had a great time, but best of all is seeing how much fun Crewsie had :)
Above:  An Elf!, Yaya, Crewsie, Popa and Momma.  Below:  Momma, Grammy, Daddy and Crewsie.

In the train car there were 3 or 4 elfs and a couple of conductors.  On our way to the North Pole they served us hot chocolate and cookies and then the kids played a couple of games and sang Christmas carols...and they read The Polar Express!
The train car was sooooo much more comfortable then last year.  We upgraded to first class tickets this year and it was worth every penny.  Waaaaay less people on the train car and much more comfortable seats and seating area.  I highly recommend it!
There are lots of guys dressed as conductors and Crew was very concerned about getting his ticket punched!  He kept saying "Conductor, punch my ticket!"
He finally gets it punched and this is the look I get!?!?  haha!

We're almost to the North Pole!

Excuse some of the blurry, foggy pics...I'm trying to get a couple decent ones behind glass and it's dark and foggy in the train car!

The Northern lights!

Santa arrives on his own train!
Santa's train comes back through, but he is gone....wonder where he went?!?

The copious amounts of sugar have kicked in and he is losing all control!!!

There's Santa...he got on the train!!! Yay!  Crew first told him he wanted toys...a little general, so he said a train!

Crewsie even got his Polar Express book signed by Santa...he signed it "Mr. C"...just like in the book!
Crewsie's bell!

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