Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cookies, cookies and more cookies...yum!

Another fun Christmas tradition...baking cookies every year! Last Saturday Yaya, Auntie Tay, Auntie Case and I all met at Yaya and Popa's house to make sugar cookies! Popa and Uncle Blake were there, but mainly to be the cookie "testers!" Zoey made an appearance too, but she didn't get to try the cookies :( Anyway, these sugar cookies are the best EVER and we always have fun making them...all 225 of them!!! That's about 19 dozen...CRAZY!!! This doesn't include all of the other kinds of cookies my sister and mom have made!!!
This recipe is uses confectioners sugar (instead of regular sugar) and cream cheese...YUM! And of course Yaya's homemade icing, which is the best!

Aunt Taytay...25 weeks preggo here!

Look how big Zoey got...she's so cute!
And a camera pic of Crewsie with his gingerbread house he made with Grandma!
Crewsie relaxing on Mommy's bed the morning after the Polar Express...

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