Monday, August 9, 2010

Wedding Crasher...

A couple of weeks ago we went to Joe and Kelly Chick's wedding!  They were married at the end of June on the beach in South Carolina and had a reception at the end of July in Cincinnati!  My Mom and Dad, Blake, Casey, Tay and Joe and of course the Eddy crew all traveled down and had a great time!  These are a few of the pictures from that night...and Crew LOVED dancing on the big dance floor...we literally could not keep him off of it!  He loved the loud music and lights and couldn't stop moving and shaking!  A few people even came up to me and told me how adorable he was and how they were getting a kick out of watching him dance!
Joe and Kelly
Auntie Casey and Uncle Blake
Uncle Joe and Auntie Tay
Mommy and Uncle Blake chasing Crew...notice the lady in the pink on the right filming Crew!  Haha...what a ham!
In this picture he is stealing a complete strangers purse...actually it was on the ground and he picked it up and the lady said "oh, that's okay he can play with it!"  I said "No, that's okay he really doesn't need to be dranging around your purse!"  She INSISTED that he be allowed to play with it...she said he was too cute to say "No" to (she even tied it in the knot so it wasn't so long for him to drag around!).
Wanting to feed himself cake...
and more cake...
and a little more...
still eating...
and more cake!
Feeding Popa a bite!  He is such a good "sharer!"
Getting down with the girls!
Dancing with Joe!

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