Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A lot of changes in a year...

Look at my baby just a year ago (these were taken beginning of Aug. 09')!  I feel like he has changed soooo much, yet he is still just my little baby!  These are a couple pics from my phone...unfortunately, I have used up all of the memory on my computer :(  I knew I'd eventually run out after downloading thousands and thousands and thousands (literally!) and tons of videos on our computer!  Now I have all of these great pictures that I want to share, but can't!  Oh well, I will soon get caught up on the blog. I have to get one of my brothers computer wiz friends to help with our situation!

Crewsie has been off bottles for a week (last Tuesday he drank his last one)! Yay for my big boy! He only got a bottle before a nap/night time and only 1 or 2 ounces in each bottle and we never put him to bed asleep, he was always awake when I laid him down...so it really wasn't hard to do away with them.  I have to admit that it was mainly me that was holding on to the bottle.  I feel like it was the last "baby" thing he was doing...I would look down at him while he was drinking his bottle and he still looked like a baby to me and I didn't want to give that up!  But I know for his sake that it was time...I guess now the only "baby" thing left is diapers and I won't miss those!!!!!

Here are a couple new things Crewsie is doing:  he is starting to do "choo-choo" like a train...he does the hand movement and noise and everything...very funny...my mom and Auntie Tay witnessed this today!  Also, starting to say "hi" and "hello"...said "hello" today when he answered a phone!  Still says Momma all of the time (which I LOVE), Dada, and still "woof woof" like a doggie!

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