Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our adorable little man...

Isn't he just PRECIOUS!?!?!  My adorable little man is growing...growing...growing!  We have enjoyed every "stage" Crew has gone through, but this age is SO much fun!  Even though he doesn't talk he understands a lot of what we say, he has so much personality, and he is always in a good mood!  Crew is the most fantastic little boy we could have ever dreamed about! 

Crew LOVES playing outside, but I'm afraid of what is to come this Fall and Winter!  My mom keeps joking that we better get him (and me!) boots, rain gear, and snow suits because he is still going to want to play outside when it's cold and wet!  Other new things he is starting to say (and much more clearly now) "no, no, no" and "Hot!"  Also, my Mom taught him to do the "touchdown" signal by throwing his arms in the funny!

I know, I'm so mean, but this was too funny! He was upset about not being able to go outside!
Gosh I LOVE that little face!

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