Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Crewsie taking a cruise...

One of Crew's favorite new things is driving...but don't worry, we haven't handed over the keys!  He LOVES getting into our cars and playing around with all the buttons and levers!  So of course Popa allowed Crew to jump in his car and take it for a ride!  The lights were flashing, windshield wipers going full speed, and the air conditioning was blowing!  When it is time to take him out of the cars he is not a happy camper!

In other Crew news:  his top two canine teeth have broken through!  The bottom canines are almost through, so that will make a total of 16 teeth...hopefully that is all for a while...I think the only ones left are the second year molars!
Doesn't it look like he was really driving the way his hands are positioned and his hair blowing?!?!

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