Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Stud Muffin...

You know how some people have little signs on their cars that say "Baby on Board" well, I have one that says "Stud Muffin on Board"...honestly, I do!  I bought it last summer at Babies R Us and it fits him so well...haha!   I wish he would wear these sunglasses all of the time, but he only will wear them for about a minute...oh well, at least I got a couple cute shots!  We try to go on a walk every night and Crew really seems to enjoy it!  Greg and I will be doing some yard work and Crew will climb into his stroller all by himself trying to tell us that he is ready for his walk!
Crew doing yard work!  He loves pushing brooms/rakes and anything he can get his little hands on!
He usually does not fall asleep in the stroller, but this night was an exception!
Passed out!

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