Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Preschool Harvest Party...

Last Thursday Crewsie Bear had his school Harvest party!  We were told to dress the kids as farmers or animals...well, I already had to come up with one Halloween costume, so I kind of took the easy route and made him a farmer (and he actually looked more like a cowboy..oh well!).  He loves his teacher and all his friends in class and enjoyed the party with them all!
Mrs. Virgin reading a book to the kiddos...
Left to right:  Jude, Olivia, Skylar, Jay, Matthew and of course Crewsie
(2 friends were missing: Evan and Evangline)
I love Crew in the below pic...
Making "trail mix!"

Loves playing with the homemade playdough that Mrs. Virgin makes...it is so much softer and easier to work with!

Counting the spiders that he throws in the cob web...
Snack time!
They have all these wonderful little songs and prayers that we say/sing every time...I love hearing him sign and sing"Jesus Loves Me"...he has gotten pretty good at it!

The kids iced and decorated their own little cupcakes at one of the stations...

Jude and his Mommy, Kristin
Crewsie loves weather bear!  The kids sing a cute song about the weather and then dress the bear accordingly!
Parachute time...again, one of Crewsie's favorites!

My fridge cracks me up...I thought I would take a pick to show some of Crew's art work from school!

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