Monday, November 21, 2011

Marshmallow toss...

I will try to set-up this YouTube video...First, Crew is OBSESSED, MESMERIZED, INSANE over The Polar Express movie and book!!!  And this is an understatement!!!  He watched the movie once and was hooked...he now tortures me everyday and will BEG and BEG and BEG me to watch it.  This is from a kid who watches very little t.v....but is crazy about watching this movie!  So, not only he is ridiculously obsessed with the movie, but the book as well.  Aunt Casey and Uncle Blake bought him the book a few weeks ago and we read it everyday too!  If I'm being honest I have to say that it is starting to drive me a little CRAZY!  Sometimes it's an all out war if I have to tell him that we can't watch it :(

Now that you know about his obsession with The Polar Express I will get to the marshmallows.  In the movie (and book) the kids are served hot chocolate and last week at the store Crew said he wanted to get "Hot Chocolate like the kids get on the Polaw Spress!"  So we got hot chocolate mix and marshallows, came home mixed it up and sat to watch the movie...then we started getting goofy.  He started cracking up when I started throwing the marshmallows in my mouth...he got distracted when he saw I was videoing him, but he still gave some belly laughs!

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