Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mommy and Me...

Everyday is Mommy and Me day and I.LOVE.IT...but somedays are just extra special...this day was one of those days.  I can't tell you why, but they just are for some reason.  There are certain times when I just stop and try to soak in every second and try to in-grain it into my memory.  I think to myself "Remember these moments, remember these moments."  Crewsie seems like he is growing up so very fast and sometimes it makes me kinda sad.  I cherish that I am able to stay home with him because it is such a precious time in our lives.  He is such a big boy and such a sweet boy and I love being his Mommy.
Loves kicking the soccer ball!
And mowing the grass!
And running Mommy over with the lawn mower!

He likes to collect sticks and then break them apart...

My little bubba....I love you bubs!

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