Saturday, November 19, 2011

Camera phone pics...

I try to take pics of Crewsie throughout the day and send them to Greg.  He likes being updated on what Crew is doing during the day, so here are some from lately!

Above:  Crewsie was a little tired...Below: Eating lunch
I just took this one the other night...I can't go to bed without checking on him, and he looked so precious so I snapped a pic.

A pic from his preschool class last week.
Bad bed head one morning!
Look at the chubby little face (and no, I'm not talking about mine!).
Acting goofy.
I was cleaning out our office and came across some old ones of me.  They are from 1983 when I was two years old and I was on a trip with my Dad and Mom (who was 5 months pregnant!) in Acapulco, Mexico.

Uncle Blake sent me this pic of Zoey!  Aunt Casey begged to put up their Christmas tree and obviously she got her way!
Hoarder of stuffed animals...he has about 70...yes, I counted one day...he's nuts!
Below:  Crewsie getting ready to go to his Thanksgiving Party at school this past Thursday.  He was a little "off" at school and then we went to Popa's and we could tell he wasn't himself so we came home.  When we got home he felt warm and sure enough he had a fever :(  Poor little man...He only took an hour nap that day (which is soooo not like him) and when he got up his fever was 103...he was so lethargic and went to bed at 6:30 p.m., but thankfully slept through the night and woke up at 6:30 a.m. the next morning.
This pic was when we got home the day he didnt' feel good and he wanted to get in "comfy" clothes because he didn't feel good...he was still smiling at this point!
This pic from Friday morning...still had a 103 temp., but look how happy he was...and look how rosy his poor little cheeks were :(
After his nap friday and he still had a temp., but not as cranky.
Again, Friday afternoon and we were playing "Cooties" and this made him very happy!  Today, Saturday, he still has had a temperature, but acting pretty normal...hoping and praying for a fever-free little boy tomorrow :)

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