Thursday, November 3, 2011


We had sooooo much fun on Halloween this year!  Crewsie loved dressing up like a clown and so did Momma!  He was so good and patient as I put his make-up on (again!) and was great about wearing his wig.  We have a little Halloween party every year at our house on Trick-or-Treat night (which is almost always on Oct. 31st).  Every year on Halloween it was tradition that my Mom made Ham-BBQ sandwiches, so that is what we still have! Trick-or-Treat was from 6-8 p.m. and as soon as the clock struck six we were out the door.  Larken and Lachlan came with us again this year and all the kiddos had a fun time!

My cute little clown!  Okay, so I know I look totally ridiculous (as my husband kept telling me!), but Crewsie loved it and that's all that matters!  haha!

Missing from the pic:  Deb, Lark and Lach, Aunt Casey, Grandma and Grandpa.

Crewsie loved helping Momma decorate the house!  He also helped me make the sugar cookes and pumpkin cookies!
The goodies...
Lachlan, Crew, and Larken before trick-or-treat!

The kids rode in style...Crew and Larken in the wagon and Lachlan in the jogging stroller!

Someone tried to give Aunt Casey candy...hahahaaaa!

Uncle Blake being goofy (as usual!)...
Daddy was the chauffeur...
Deb and Lach!

I was trying to get a pic of the Halloween moon!
The kids did awesome and we hit a lot of houses!  Towards the end the sugar was kicking in and Crewsie was getting CRAZY!  He was running to each house and squealing!!!  It was hysterical and I'm glad he had so much fun!

Dinner time!
I'm laughing because you might notice that Crew was double fisting suckers at this point!  I can't even tell you how much candy he must have eaten that night!  The candy fairy came the next day and took almost all of it away.  I know it sounds mean, but if junk is in the house he begs for it, so that's why we get rid of it!

Hope everyone had a fun Halloween!
Halloween 2010!
Halloween 2009!
The cutest little pumpkin ever!  Halloween 2009!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like everyone had a great time! Both you and Crew were cute clowns. Thanks for becoming the 200th follower at Texas Cottage. Good luck!
