Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Last night we went trick-or-treating at Aunt Tay and Uncle Joe's house!  Their neighborhood does a seperate trick-or-treating night then the city, so we thought it would be fun for Crewsie to get to go twice!  It was like a little dress rehearsal for Monday night.  I was shocked that he actually let me paint his face because usually he is OCD about anything being on his face or feeling "messy!"  I think it also helped that we were just at the circus last Saturday, so he understood what being a clown meant...make-up and all! 

Daddy and his little clown!
Aunt Tay made spaghetti, meatballs and a yummy salad!  Thanks for having us out guys!  Aunt Tay is 18 weeks preggers!  I forgot to mention that around 16 weeks she was in a dressing room and started feeling the baby move exciting!!!
I made him a trick-or-treat bag this year, but forgot to get a good pic of it!
At this age I don't think kids quite get what we are actually doing!  I think of the dialogue running thru his little head...."Okay, Mom dressed me up like a clown, now we are knocking on a complete strangers door...wait, now the stranger just gave me candy!?!?!"  hahaha!

Candy time!!!

Mommy and Aunt Tay trying to clean his clown make-up came off pretty easy with make-up remover... and a good dunk in the bath!

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