Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Family photos sneak peak!

Last Christmas we all went together and got my parents a photo session to get a family portrait.  We have never done this and I was looking forward to finally having a professional picture of the entire family!  It was a little difficult getting 8 adults to coordinate all of our schedules, but we finally nailed it down to last Saturday.  Well, Saturday came and brought with it rain, 40 mile per hour winds, and 50 degree temperatures...not exactly the ideal setting for taking pictures outside!  So, the photographer (who was great) said we could try Sunday.  We were all busy getting ready for the 11:00 a.m. shoot and ten minutes before we are supposed to be there it starts sprinkling...but at least it was warmer and no high winds!  The family arrives and we were trying to figure out what to do because of the rain. We decided to brave the weather and I think the photos turned out great in spite of mother nature!

Photo courtesy of This Little Piggy Photography, Hudson, Ohio.  Thislittlepiggyphotography.net

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