Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday morning dancing and baking...

Last Sunday morning started out with a dance party in the family room!  As everyone knows Crew loves to shake it!  I also promised him the night before that we would go to the orchard and get some apples and then he could help me bake an apple pie.  So, Sunday morning (after the dancing) we headed to the orchard to grab some apples.  He loves helping me in the kitchen, so I let him help me as much as possible with the pie.  He helped make the crust and loved mixing it and then rolling out the dough....then he "helped" cut the apples and then mix all of the ingredients and dump them in to the pie shell....the part he loved most was putting the crumb topping on top (and then licking his fingers)!  By the way, the pie was DELICIOUS!
Shakin' his groove thang!

I love kissing the back of his little neck!

One of his new dance moves is doing splits...ouch!
Pie time!

What a cheeseball!
He kept eating the skins of the apples as I was peeling them...what a little turkey!

After!  Yummo!
The below pics I took this week one evening...he loves playing with his football, soccer ball, and really any type of  ball he can kick or throw!

When I first saw the below pic on the camera I could tell his face looked I zoomed in...
Can you say Benjamin Button?!?!?  It is so weird and scary to see his little face like this...kinda sad, but its so strange I had to share.

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