Thursday, October 13, 2011

Camping trip with Aunt Tay and Uncle Joe...

Last Saturday we drove up to see Uncle Joe and Aunt Tay who were camping at my Popsie's camp in the Pennsylvania mountains.  We used to go camping there ever year when we were little kids, but I had not been for 4 years and Greg had not been there for 7 years!  My Popsie and Gram don't get there very often anymore because it is a lot of upkeep and just too hard for them...but Tay and Joe have stepped up and really helped out with it.  We have so many WONDERFUL memories from camping there and it is so good to see how much Tay and Joe really enjoy it now in their adult life.  I'm so happy to see them keeping the family tradition alive!   Side note:  The above picture was taken with my self timer on my camera while I steadied it on some rocks...I really need to get a tripod!
This is no camp is FOR REAL camping...meaning woods for miles and miles and miles around and bears and coyotes!

Crewsie loved climbing the trees!
My grandpa used to have a couple campers on his property, but after not using it consistenly the mice took over and they had them removed...then a couple of years ago Tay and Joe put this little cabin with a wood burner on the property.

Watching the camp fire!

Fourwheeler ride!

Still a little small to be driving by himself! haha!  Uncle Blake was driving one when he was about five!

We took a little drive down by the big river so we could walk along it...

So peaceful...
What boys do best...throwing rocks!

Thanks Uncle Joe and Aunt Tatie!!!

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