Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall days...

I love Fall days like these...sunny, cool, and a little breezy...and I especially love seeing my little man playing in the leaves!  He loves the outdoors and I always feel guilty on the days that we don't get outside...which honestly, isn't very often...only if it's raining do we not go out and play for a while.  Crew loves playing with his outdoor toys...he would ride for hours on his tractor and has really started liking to ride his bike.  Although, he's not content just riding his bike up and down the sidewalk in front of our house...he now wants to go on "bike rides!"  Which is great and he really gets some good exercise.  As a matter of fact, the other day he said he wanted to go for a bike ride and he rode his bike for a full MILE around a couple of the blocks by our house while I walked behind him.  I couldn't believe that he rode for that long!  Relaxing, simple days like these are the kind of days that I love most :)
He has started to pay more attention to the camera lately...he will actually look at me now while I'm trying to get a pic and then he wants to see the picture that I took.  Then he will direct me by telling me what to take a picture, "Momma, take a picture of me on the pumpkins!"

"Momma, take a picture of me by the door!"

"Momma, I want to stand by the scarecrow!"
Sweet boy putting his little hand on my leg.  He is always so affectionate.

He loves to play in the leaves and crunch them!

Crunch time...

On our bike ride...
We always stop at our neighbors house and collect acorns...we actually did a little crafty fall project with acorns that I forgot to share...I will try to remember to share the pics.

Back to our bike ride...
Wait...I see more acorns!
Ok, I'm done...let's keep riding...
Does it get any better than this...I don't think so!!!

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