Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Unofficial end of summer...

It's back to school time for Yaya and Auntie Tay, so it's kind of like the end of summer for us!  We had so much fun this summer....I would say we swam at least 4 or 5 days a week, went on walks, visited lots of parks, fun zoo trips, did some shopping, parades/fairs, dinners on the lake and just played in our yard and let Crewsie drive his tractor and play with all of his toys!  Of course Crewsie and I will continue to have fun on our own, but we are going to miss hanging out with Yaya and Tay.  Since the city is getting 3 new elementary schools and building a new high school (that will make all new schools for our district...very exciting!) the school schedule has changed to accomodate building schedules.  Since they start back early (Yaya starts back tomorrow and Tay on the 16th and the kids on the 18th) they will get out in mid-May next year.

Yaya spent her last "free" day at the Akron Zoo this morning with me and Crewsie Bear!  The weather is supposed to be a little cooler this week and I am soooo happy about that!  We had a gorgeous summer, but I'm looking forward to cooler temps!  I finally was able to open my house up today and get some fresh air!  It is gorgeous today...about 76 and a nice steady breeze!  Ahhhhhhhh!!!

Well, we had a great summer and looking forward to spending the last few weeks of it swimming at Loyal Oak or out at the boat.  Crewsie and I are always getting together with our Mommy's group...whether it's meeting at a park, or someone's house, or an activity that the group has planned.  I also enrolled Crew in pre-school for this Fall!!!   A couple of church's in town offer a 2 year old program.  One church you drop them off and the other church offers a Mommy-and-Me preschool.  We are doing the Mommy-and-Me preschool....I'm just not ready to give this little bugger up yet, but I wanted him to get the experience of "school."  A little more structured learning time and having to listen to someone else besides me!  A couple of our friends are enrolled in the class as well so it should be a fun time :)
 Above:  Crewsie at the zoo this morning being silly when Mommy was trying to take his pic!  Below:  Yaya, Popa, Aunt Casey and Uncle Blake took Crewsie to the Medina County Fair last week!  He loved it and all the animals, but don't ask him about the helicopter ride....hahaha!  If you ask him he says "I freaked out!"

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