Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I realized that I didn't have any photos of the little lake that we were going to this summer, so I thought I better get some before the swim season is over!  Last week Grammy came out and went swimming with us and it was a GORGEOUS day (as you can tell by the pics!).  Crew loves getting to play in the sand with his toys and going up and down (at least 1,000 times) the slide!

We used to belong to this place when I was a little kid and loved it!  It has a nice little concession stand (where I used to work!) and two slides for the little kids, a little fountain, and two docks with big diving boards!  I used to lifeguard out here too!  It's the perfect little place to cool off during the hot summer months!

We pretty much had the place to ourselves for the first hour or so that we were there!

Crewsie loves building sandcastles!
 Sunday night we visited Grammy because she wanted to give Crewsie a little gift...
About to see his surprise....

It's huge!  And he loves it!  For now he named him Harvey, but I'm sure that will change!

I think he likes him!?!?!?!

I love letting Crewsie do little craft projects and this is one he did over the weekend...the boy loves his trains!

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