Friday, August 12, 2011

All boy...

Crewsie and I were at Toys R Us shopping for some birthday gifts when we got totally side tracked by these toys!  He sat on EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.  and there were probably 12 that he could get to!  It literally took me 15-20 minutes to get him off of them...I was also laughing and taking pictures the entire time, so that's maybe why he wasn't taking me serious!  He absolutely LOVES riding his tractor...he rides it every night around and around the yard...I'm sure we drive our neighbors nuts!
Speaking of neighbors...the other night we were playing outside and I saw one of our neighbors had put this Little Tykes log cabin on the curb with a for sale sign on it.  I walked over to it and it said "$20.00!"  I was so excited so I ran to the front door to tell them I would buy it!  Yesterday while Crewsie was napping I got it to our yard to scrub down because I wanted to surprised him when he woke up.  While I was washing it another one of my neighbors came up and said she had a little house that she wanted to get rid of and asked if I wanted it!  Well, I couldn't pass it up because every time he sees these little houses all he wants to do is play in them!  I go to her house to get the little white one and she also gives me a bike trailer for behind my bike for Crewsie to ride in!  Jackpot!  So for $20 bucks I ended up with 2 playhouses and a bike trailer!  AWESOME!!!!!!!  The best $20 bucks I've ever spent!

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