Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Shrimp...

Crew had his FOURTH swim lesson last night!  He is in the "Shrimp" class and he has had soooo much fun (3 lessons left!).  They have learned how to blow bubbles, kick, paddle and use the kick boards and noodles.  He loves it and does so well in the is obvious by the way he jumps and splashes around!  Yaya and Popa even visited last night!  Hope you enjoy the pics of the little shrimp!
Kick, kick, kick!
 Silly man!
 Splash, splash, splash!
 Learning to lay on his back and kick!
 Smiley boy!
He was waving at Popa and Yaya!
 The look on my face cracks me up...the ball was aimed at someone's head I'm sure!
 learning to paddle...
Loves to jump in!
 I love that he loves the water!!!!!!!!!

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