Monday, January 24, 2011

Attempting potty training...

Sometime in mid-December I casually started putting Crew on the potty and to my surprise he started using it (and I mean #1 and #2!).  At the time, I couldn't believe he was actually going on it.  Well, I wasn't 100% fully prepared the day I started...for example I didn't have "big boy" underwear and I only had one training potty.  I also decided that it maybe wasn't the best time to start because it was right before all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays so I decided to hold off until the new year.

Well, we are almost at the end of January and I decided I better get my butt in gear and give it 100%!  We started last Friday (Jan. 21st) because I knew I had four full days before we had anything going on.  So far it hasn't been horrible, but it hasn't been great.  Of course he has had accidents, but he has also been going on the potty too.  He won't say potty, but he will go to it sometimes.  The other times I am always anticipating him needing to go.  He does a really good job at being able to "hold it" but then when he does pee on the potty and we think he is finished, we put his big boy underwear back on and then they are wet 10 minutes later because he didn't completely empty his bladder (one of the biggest problems).  Also, I have noticed he isn't going #2 as much and therefore has gotten a little constipated (Crew has never had this problem before)..this was a problem last night and no fun for anyone!  So very long story short we are still trying, but if it doesn't get a little better this week we might hold off for another month and then try again!
In more exciting news...we booked a trip to Florida for the end of February and we are soooo excited...we CANNOT wait to get out of this AWFUL weather and hit the beach!  Bonita Beach here we come!

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