Thursday, December 2, 2010


My parents jokingly call Tuesdays and Wednesdays "Crewsday's" because these are the nights that Daddy has classes.  Mommy usually tries to do a little work for Popa and then we go out to dinner or Yaya is nice enough to make us dinner!  This night we went out to dinner and then went to a nursery to look at all the Christmas trees...I wasn't expecting the place to be so big and decorated so neat for Christmas!
 Auntie Casey being silly!
Miniature garden
The famous leg lamp!
An upside down tree and a creepy little man!
This is favorite doll from when I was little!  As you can see she is not in very good shape because I drug her around everywhere!  I keep her hidden in my closet but Crew got his hands on her the other day!  He loved her and kept giving her kisses, so sweet!  Don't worry Barbie's for Christmas...hahaha!
Last Sunday we went to the Bruno Mars concert, along with Uncle Blake and Aunt Casey...and it was AWESOME!  He played in this little place called the Grop Shop up in Cleveland.  It was only a 300 person venue and it was so neat to see him up close and personal!  The pics below are horrible quality from my phone, but you get the idea how close we were!  I LOVE his entire c.d....Crewsie and I listen and dance to it all of the time!

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