Friday, December 17, 2010

Crewno Mars dancing to Bruno Mars...

HE   IS   OFFICIALLY   OBSESSED.........with Bruno Mars!!! It is insane!  I have been listening to his c.d. for a couple of months now and it has obviously rubbed off on Crew.  Not only does he want to watch him on t.v. (because I DVR'd a couple of shows where he sang) he is now saying "Bruno!"  Actaully, he sounds more like "Brun"...he always seems to leave off the "o!"  Like when we tell him to say "Ho, Ho, Ho!" he usually only get out one or two "Ho, Ho's!"  Anyway, he will hand me the remote and say "Brun!" which means "Turn Bruno on Mom!!!!  (side note:  I had another adorable video posted to YouTube, but because of some weird copyright law it will not allow the audio to play!?!?  sooooooo annoying!)

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