Thursday, December 23, 2010

What we are thankful for this Christmas...

Oh my goodness...we have so much to be thankful for this Christmas, but we are especially thankful for this healthy, happy little guy!  Crew has brought Greg and I an incredible amount of joy the past two Christmases and I feel like I'm vicariously living my childhood through him again...and I LOVE it!  I cannot even start to put into words what this little guys mean to us and our families.  He is constant entertainment and makes us smile and laugh all day, every day!  He is just shy of his 21 month 'birthday'  (speaking of bday's, I can't believe he will be 2 in three months!) so I thought I would give everyone an update on what he has been up to!

Some new words he is saying:  boat, dirt, bird, moon, backpack (because one is in his Elmo book), back (because he loves riding on peoples back), elbow, Bruno, boo boo (loves pointing to little boo boos' whether on him or us and then giving it a kiss), YaYa, "ooooooo" (like a monkey), loves saying quack, quack (like his duckie he sleeps with).  Loves putting his finger to his lips and saying "Shhhhh!"  Loves telling the dogs "No, No, No!" when they bark.  He has been saying Up! and Hot! for a long time now, but I've been trying to teach him opposites like Down! and Cold!  Also, trying to teach him the obvious stuff like Please and Thank You. 

Words I have heard, but not quite consistently yet:  Casey, Tay, Joejoe, potty

Crewsie LOVES trucks and when we are in the car always points them out and says "What's that?!"  I think because he doesn't say truck yet, so he wants me to say it!? 

Loves spinning around while he is dancing to songs and he has gotten really, really good at it (and makes himself very dizzy!).  His finger has found his nose!  Yikes!  Hopefully, he won't make this a habit!  He has worn his Santa hat the last two weeks almost everyday...always wears it when we are out shopping and I think that he thinks that he is actaully Santa Claus because when people see him they say "Hi Santa" or say "Ho, Ho, Ho!" 

He loves pointing to the pictures around the house and telling you who it is (i.e.  Momma, Dada, Popa, etc.)  He does the same thing when we read books...he will see a moon and point out the window, he sees a radio in his book and will point to his radio and will do this throughout the entire book with items he sees...he loves doing this! 

And lastly, I continue to LOVE his bedtime routine.  It always makes me feel so good to know that he is totally relaxed and feeling good when he lays down his little head.  Below, I posted a pic of all of the stuffed animals that he sleeps with.  Every night when we are done with his books, I lay him in bed and then each of the animals gets a kiss from him...then Mommy bends down and looks through the slats of his crib and he leans over and giggles and gives me a always makes us both laugh...I know one day I will miss this routine soooooo much!
Sleepy man waking up from his nap!
He is starting to love his puzzles and is actually getting really good at them!

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