Saturday, December 18, 2010

Santa visit!

I know it's totally goofy that I took a picture of a picture, but it was way easier for me to do it this way then to scan the pic, save it as a jpg, crop it, flip it, etc., bear with me!  Today Crew visited with Kris Kringle himself at Tower City in his Santa Workshop!  It was a great experience (minus the outrageous rules about taking pictures and videos and the crazy prices for them to take the picture...what happen to the days where you could actually capture a little video or picture of your child with Santa?  Not quite how I remember it especially because we have TONS of videos and pics from when I was little with Santa...these companies need to lighten up on their rules...this is for the kids afterall, right?)  ANYWAY, it was truly a nice experience because we got to visit one on one with Santa in a little room all decorated as Santa's office!  Crew was a little hesitant of Santa so he sat on Daddy's lap while we talked to Santa for a bit :)
Notice in the above pic I'm a little distracted...I saw a security guard approaching...she told us to get down of the wall and sit on the lower level...oops...haha!
Crewser throwing lots of pennies in the fountain...I wonder what he wished for?!
I had to kind of break the rules, so I snapped a shot of Santa while we were waiting!
Santa is behind these doors!!!  YAY!
Crewsie kept saying "waer" (aka: water!)
I snapped a bunch of shots of Crewsie on the car ride home...they were too cute not to post all of them!

I was feeding him a banana on the way home...
From giggling...
to Mr. Serious...
to giggling again!

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