Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pizza Party!

 Larken and Lachlan came over last night for a Christmas pizza party!  haha!  Crew always loves when they come and visit with him!  First, the kiddos played for a bit, ate, did a little present exchange, played some more and then chowed down on some reindeer cupcakes!  It was a great visit!
 Lark giving Crew some love!
 Silly girl!
 Lach not wanting his pic taken...little stinker!
Anyone who has ever looked through our family photos knows that my Dad is NOTORIOUS for always taking my profile pic when I was a little girl.  He always got a kick out of my "ski slope" nose and therefore we ended up with all of these funny profile pics!  Last night Crew was once again entranced by Bruno, so I took a couple profile pics of him since he was standing still...no other time could I get him to stay still like this unless he is listening to Bruno!!!  He doesn't really have my nose, but still very funny...gotta love those chubby cheeks!

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