Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tumbling time!

Crew's Tumblebees class officially ended this past Tuesday, but it was a great experience for him!  We might even start back up in a couple months once the craziness of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas subside!  There were only four kiddies in the class (including Crew) and it was great because they got tons of one on one attention!  We always did stretching the first couple minutes of class, then would move onto some type of obstacle course, then some swinging on the bars or other fun stuff and then trampoline time...which was always the kids favorite!
Miss Kris helping Crewsie do his backward somersaults!
Crewser chasing Mady through the tunnel!
Here we go...
a little camera shy!
Loving the trampoline!
Here I come Momma!

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