Monday, October 25, 2010

Swinging Time and Scare on the Square!

Mommy and Crewsie walked over to the park the other day to enjoy the beautiful fall weather!  Crew loves climbing all over the swing sets and zooming down the slides.  Usually, he loves to sit on my lap and swing, but this day he wanted to do it all by himself!  I plopped him on the swing, told him to hold on tight and gently rocked him back and forth on the swing and he loved it!  I got a little emotional as my little man sat their swinging and thought about how quickly time passes.   My best friend Deb recently lost her 18 year old nephew and I was thinking about her brother and sister-in-law and wondering how a mother would go on after losing a child.  It made me soak in this little moment with Crewsie...I NEVER want to forget these special times because they are truly what life is all about.

Big boy!
Here I come Mom!
My Momma recently emailed me an article about how lucky we are in this area to be able to witness the changing of the leaves and how very few areas in the world get to see I took a couple photos on our way to the park of the beautiful gold, orange, and red trees!
Last Thursday was Scare on the Square downtown Wadsworth!  We got Crewsie all dressed up in his pirate costume...and he even left his little bandana on!  It was like a little scene out of a Halloween movie with all the little kids dressed up running around was the perfect night!  Our official trick-or-treat night is this Thursday!
Yaya and Crew Bear
We stopped at one of the coffee shops to get some hot cocoa!
As soon as we got home Crew sat on the floor and dumped out all of his candy...just like a little was so cute!  He gets his fair share of cookies and other little sweets, but we NEVER give him candy...he was in hog heaven!

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